Shoulder Relief

Shoulder and trapezius massage is not just about pleasure, it is, in fact, a healthy choice, affecting your entire body and your face.

Shoulder muscles are connected to your facial muscles, therefore, any tension in the shoulder effects the lymphatic and blood flow to the face. You can even experience facial asymmetry due to shoulder tightness. Face can look dull and puffy, the lower face swollen and skin grey.

Trapezius health plays a vital role in your posture. Blocked trapezius muscles can lead to migraines and poor sleep due to lack of oxygen that is supposed to be carried with a good blood flow to your brain.

Therefore, a regular trapezius and shoulder massage will make your face less puffy, skin bright and glowing, whilst, eliminating headaches, improving posture and night sleep. All together with reduced pain in your back muscles.




Face Massage VS Face Exercises